
Losing everything is so bad! I lost my keepass password but i guess i wrote it somewhere! Strange thing is there was notepad opened as i remember. But i forgot when exactly!


for the time it should be in this format: YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS

First of all, let's find the open time of Notepad. Using Volatility's pslist, we find an entry of notepad.exe being opened at 2022-05-10 16:42:49 (before KeePass is opened).

7336    5688    notepad.exe     0xc18b04f81080  3       -       2       False   2022-05-10 16:42:49.000000      N/A     Disabled
6092    752     svchost.exe     0xc18b02fc2340  3       -       0       False   2022-05-10 16:42:54.000000      N/A     Disabled
4136    5688    KeePass.exe     0xc18b054942c0  9       -       2       False   2022-05-10 16:43:38.000000      N/A     Disabled

Now, the description mentions that the KeePass password was written down somewhere. Using filescan, we would find the following text file and KeePass database file.

0xc18b05e6ebe0	\Users\ctf\Documents\useful.txt	216


0xc18b05e71ac0	\Users\ctf\Documents\content.kdbx	216

Dumping useful.txt reveals the KeePass password, which we can use on the kdbx file.

the key for it is: qlkdhsqvkyvs1532112837

Piecing the information together, we get:

Securinets{ctf-qlkdhsqvkyvs1532112837-2022-05-10 16:42:49}

Last updated

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