from secret import flag
def nk2n(nk):
l = len(nk)
if l==1:
return nk[0]
elif l==2:
i,j = nk
return ((i+j)*(i+j+1))//2 +j
return nk2n([nk2n(nk[:l-l//2]), nk2n(nk[l-l//2:])])
By studying the code, we can see that this is basically a recursive algorithm that divides the bytestring into two halves at each layer, until the base case where there are either 1 or 2 characters left. We can clearly see that at each layer, the result r can be expressed as
where i and j are the results of calling the function on the lower and upper half of the input respectively. For each layer, if we are able to recover i and j from r, then we would be able to repeat this all the way until the base case, where we would be able to recover the ASCII characters.
Then, we have
I also noticed one other thing. If we start off with some value of i and j, then increment j by k while decrementing i by the same amount, then we have
r is incremented by the same amount, k.
Using this knowledge, I implemented the following:
def get_i_j(nk):
j = Decimal(1)
nk = Decimal(nk)
sq = 2 * (nk - j)
i_plus_j = int(sq.sqrt())
i = i_plus_j - j
test = ((i+j)*(i+j+1)) // 2 + int(j)
gap = nk - test
if gap < 0:
i = abs(gap) - 2
j = i_plus_j - i - 1
j = gap + 1
i = i_plus_j - j
assert ((i+j)*(i+j+1))//2 +j == nk
return i, j
Then, since i and j are essentially the outputs of the "previous" layer, we can create a recursive function that terminates at the base case where we have reduced the output to its original ASCII characters.
def recover_string(nk):
if nk < 200:
char = chr(int(nk))
print(char, end='')
i, j = get_i_j(nk)
Here's the output. This probably wasn't the intended solution, since the flag talks about a bijection from Nk to N.