Yauzacraft Pt. 2

Unrestricted file upload leads to PHP webshell


Welcome to the YauzaCraft server! What are you waiting for? Visit our website http://www.minecraft.tasks.yauzactf.com/, register, download the launcher and conquer new heights! Flag path: /flag.txt

P.S. session.minecraft.tasks.yauzactf.com is out of scope!


On our user profile, we can find a list of books that we have created on the Minecraft server.

Each book is hosted as a file on files.minecraft.tasks.yauzactf.com. For instance, my books were at /books/VARAVUG66ZZWXG2IFAJ0/FILENAME, where FILENAME is the name of the book in Minecraft.

Going to /books/VARAVUG66ZZWXG2IFAJ0/ gave the header X-Powered-By: PHP/7.3.28, revealing that this was a PHP server.

Files with "regular" extensions are served as Content-Type: application/octet-stream and downloaded. However, using an extension like .html will cause the page to be rendered inline.

Knowing that a PHP server is used, we could perhaps upload a .php file to run arbitrary PHP code. With a payload like the following, we could obtain a webshell.

The .php extension, however, was filtered recursively. I started testing other similar file extensions and eventually found that the .phtml extension (which also allows execution of PHP code) was not filtered and behaved as expected.

Subsequently, navigating to our uploaded webshell and specifying the cat /flag.txt command:


The flag is YauzaCTF{PHP_minecraft_h4ck3r}.

Last updated