Easy Peasy (40)

One-time-pad (OTP) key reuse


A one-time pad is unbreakable, but can you manage to recover the flag? (Wrap with picoCTF{}) nc mercury.picoctf.net 20266 otp.py


Source code:

#!/usr/bin/python3 -u
import os.path

KEY_FILE = "key"
KEY_LEN = 50000
FLAG_FILE = "flag"

def startup(key_location):
    flag = open(FLAG_FILE).read()
    kf = open(KEY_FILE, "rb").read()

    start = key_location
    stop = key_location + len(flag)

    key = kf[start:stop]
    key_location = stop

    result = list(map(lambda p, k: "{:02x}".format(ord(p) ^ k), flag, key))
    print("This is the encrypted flag!\n{}\n".format("".join(result)))

    return key_location

def encrypt(key_location):
    ui = input("What data would you like to encrypt? ").rstrip()
    if len(ui) == 0 or len(ui) > KEY_LEN:
        return -1

    start = key_location
    stop = key_location + len(ui)

    kf = open(KEY_FILE, "rb").read()

    if stop >= KEY_LEN:
        stop = stop % KEY_LEN
        key = kf[start:] + kf[:stop]
        key = kf[start:stop]
    key_location = stop

    result = list(map(lambda p, k: "{:02x}".format(ord(p) ^ k), ui, key))

    print("Here ya go!\n{}\n".format("".join(result)))

    return key_location

print("******************Welcome to our OTP implementation!******************")
c = startup(0)
while c >= 0:
    c = encrypt(c)

A few things here:

  • startup() and encrypt() increment the key offset by the length of the data encrypted.

  • We know that the flag is 32 bytes, since the ciphertext is printed to us.

  • Once the key is reused, we can use the Crib Drag Attack to decode the ciphertext.

So, the goal is to make the key be used twice. This can easily be achieved by calculating the remaining bytes until stop % KEY_LEN eventually becomes 0. This means we have to encrypt a total of 50000 - 32 bytes of data.


then we can XOR the two ciphertexts to get


The script will calculate the number of bytes so that the key is reused against our custom payload.

from pwn import *

conn = remote('mercury.picoctf.net', 20266)
print(conn.recvuntil('What data would you like to encrypt?'))

remaining_bytes = 50000 - 32    # flag is 32 bytes
while remaining_bytes >= 1000:
    print('[+] Sending 1000 bytes...')
    conn.send('a' * 1000 + '\r\n')
    remaining_bytes -= 1000
    conn.recvuntil('What data would you like to encrypt?')

print(f'[+] Sending {remaining_bytes} bytes...')
conn.send('a' * remaining_bytes + '\r\n')
print(conn.recvuntil('What data would you like to encrypt?'))

print(f'[+] Key offset is at 0. Sending bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb...')
conn.send('b' * 32 + '\r\n')
print(conn.recvuntil('What data would you like to encrypt?'))


1) c1 = flag XOR key = 5b1e564b6e415c0e394e0401384b08553a4e5c597b6d4a5c5a684d50013d6e4b

2) c2 = custom payload ('b' * 32) XOR key = 0045041e3e1a075a3e1a00543e1a53003e1a5b5a293e1a065a3e1a03543c3e1a

3) m1 XOR m2 = c1 XOR c2 = 5b5b5255505b5b540754045506515b55045407035253505a0056575355015051

4) m1 XOR m2 XOR m2 = m1 = 99072996e6f7d397f6ea0128b4517c23

This is the flag!


Last updated

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