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We are presented with a PHP webpage. There is a login.php
, but it gives us a 403 Forbidden error. Looking a little deeper into gallery.php
shows us that some of the pictures of the devices include internal subnet addresses.
One way that the login page might be filtering requests is by the user's IP address. The X-Forwarded-For
header is used for identifying the originating IP address of a client connecting to a web server through an HTTP proxy or a load balancer.
However, it can also be easily changed by the client. By running a Burp Suite Intruder scan for the request headerX-Forwarded-For: 192.168.3.x
, where x
is the payload, we see that by setting the X-Forwarded-For
header to
, we gain access to the login page.
We see a form with username
and password
fields. Using '
in username parameter leads to the following output:
We have identified an SQL injection vulnerability. By using the following payload, we can bypass the authentication.
Once logged in as the admin, we have access to a users.php
page. This page contains usernames and card numbers.
This page must also be fetching the user information through the database, so we tested for additional SQL injection endpoints.
We found that /users.php?id=1
returns only the data for user ID 1. Fuzzing the input leads us to discover that this is a second SQL injection endpoint. This time, there is a blacklist filter:
Using SQLMap, we get the following injection vectors:
sqlmap -r get.req --threads 10 --dbms mysql --dump --no-escape --tamper=between
dumps the database.
We see that there is a R34L_F14G
column, but it is returning us <blank>
results. I looked deeper into the SQLMap queries, and found that the following query is used to retrieve the column values.
GET /users.php?id=1%27)%20UNION%20ALL%20SELECT%20NULL,CONCAT(%27qzppq%27,JSON_ARRAYAGG(CONCAT_WS(%27kbxmel%27,card_num)),%27qpbzq%27),NULL,
Replacing card_num
with R34L_F14G
fails the blacklist filter, so SQLMap was unable to retrieve any results.
Remember login.php
from earlier? It did not filter R34L_F14G
, but it does have an SQL injection vector too. It was a blind SQL injection, so retrieving information from the database would be time-based and it would have been too slow to dump the entire database.
However, by specifying the specific table and column to dump, we got our results much faster.
sqlmap -u --headers=“X-Forwarded-For:” --data “password=1&username=test” --dbms=mysql --tamper=between -D users_data -T data -C R34L_F14G --dump --where “id=3”
This gave us the flag, S3D{G0_De3Per_L1k3_a_pr0_r3d_T3aMEr}