Dachshund Attacks (80)
Wiener's attack
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Wiener's attack
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What if d
is too small? Connect with nc mercury.picoctf.net 31133
When RSA private key d
is small, Wiener's Attack may be used.
MxRy - 2016 - Wiener's attack
useful link : http://math.unice.fr/~walter/L1_Arith/cours2.pdf
import math
def DevContinuedFraction(num, denum) :
partialQuotients = []
divisionRests = []
for i in range(int(math.log(denum, 2)/1)) :
divisionRests = num % denum
partialQuotients.append(num / denum)
num = denum
denum = divisionRests
if denum == 0 :
return partialQuotients
""" (cf. useful link p.2) Theorem :
p_-2 = 0 p_-1 = 1 p_n = a_n.p_n-1 + p_n-2
q_-2 = 1 q_-1 = 0 q_n = a_n.q_n-1 + q_n-2
def DivergentsComputation(partialQuotients) :
(p1, p2, q1, q2) = (1, 0, 0, 1)
convergentsList = []
for q in partialQuotients :
pn = q * p1 + p2
qn = q * q1 + q2
convergentsList.append([pn, qn])
p2 = p1
q2 = q1
p1 = pn
q1 = qn
return convergentsList
Be careful to physical attacks see sections below
def SquareAndMultiply(base,exponent,modulus):
binaryExponent = []
while exponent != 0:
exponent = exponent/2
result = 1
for i in binaryExponent:
if i == 0:
result = (result*result) % modulus
result = (result*result*base) % modulus
return result
def WienerAttack(e, N, C) :
testStr = 42
C = SquareAndMultiply(testStr, e, N)
for c in DivergentsComputation(DevContinuedFraction(e, N)) :
if SquareAndMultiply(C, c[1], N) == testStr :
FullReverse(N, e, c)
return c[1]
return -1
Credit for int2Text :
def GetTheFlag(C, N, d) :
p = pow(C, d, N)
print p
size = len("{:02x}".format(p)) // 2
print "Flag = "+"".join([chr((p >> j) & 0xff) for j in reversed(range(0, size << 3, 8))])
def find_invpow(x,n):
high = 1
while high ** n < x:
high *= 2
low = high/2
while low < high:
mid = (low + high) // 2
if low < mid and mid**n < x:
low = mid
elif high > mid and mid**n > x:
high = mid
return mid
return mid + 1
On reprend la demo on cherche (p, q), avec la recherche des racines du P
de scd degre : x^2 - (N - phi(N) + 1)x + N
def FullReverse(N, e, c) :
phi = (e*c[1]-1)//c[0]
a = 1
b = -(N-phi+1)
c = N
delta =b*b - 4*a*c
if delta > 0 :
x1 = (-b + find_invpow((b*b - 4*a*c), 2))/(2*a)
x2 = (-b - find_invpow((b*b - 4*a*c), 2))/(2*a)
if x1*x2 == N :
print "p = "+str(x1)
print "q = "+str(x2)
else :
print "** Error **"
else :
print "** ERROR : (p, q)**"
Si N, e, C en hex ::> int("0x0123456789ABCDEF".strip("0x"), 16)
if __name__ == "__main__":
C = 26044786357743457216165555845625461049650581039386928228718427414187555034977921077565585686959198710944927835143360952064938739986018213843858401140250186536966469177638051027956686707574244279049510200740701388650607180416995680418114699713382734538720899682081086937080451004224171711000845002727399190383
e = 76958103347431520971431025458328171697907608866487399705622914605731815544901776486677231490455573361557087967429246327679401242962129567232423822628036728993567857135478123536051951901070712575631453326642826343614161518443951241622055530103493971647415987830602910953208863871134924157565758002661772997933
N = 90032493289062525051590390403844600822676419864890837448283787530333448857488803657762241811855513078615267100406986968719413992070060365274788059680411367572291747810528082887746172348906309417939574336371503684386404395383128926918042191103047349309199587024907298505863769737020621561535930889438288869051
print "e : "+str(e)
print "N : "+str(N)
print "C : "+str(C)
d = WienerAttack(e, N, C)
if d != -1 :
print "d = "+str(d)
GetTheFlag(C, N, d)
else :
print "** ERROR : Wiener's attack Impossible**"