include 'class/User.php';
if (!empty($_POST))
// serialise POST data for easy logging
$loginAttempt = serialize((object)$_POST);
// log access
//Logger::log(Logger::SENSITIVE, 'Login attempt: ' . $loginAttempt);
// Hand over to federation login
// TODO currently just a mock up
// TODO encrypt information to avoid loos of confidentiality
header('Location: /?userdata=' . base64_encode($loginAttempt));
if (!empty($_GET) && isset($_GET['userdata']))
// prepare notification data structure
$notification = new stdClass();
// check credentials & MFA
$user = new User(base64_decode($_GET['userdata']));
if ($user->verify())
$notification->type = 'success';
$notification->text = 'Congratulations, your flag is: ' . file_get_contents('/flag.txt');
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid credentials or MFA token value');
catch (Exception $e)
$notification->type = 'danger';
$notification->text = $e->getMessage();
include 'template/home.html';
final class User
private $userData;
public function __construct($loginAttempt)
$this->userData = unserialize($loginAttempt);
if (!$this->userData)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unable to reconstruct user data');
private function verifyUsername()
return $this->userData->username === 'D0loresH4ze';
private function verifyPassword()
return password_verify($this->userData->password, '$2y$07$BCryptRequires22Chrcte/VlQH0piJtjXl.0t1XkA8pw9dMXTpOq');
private function verifyMFA()
$this->userData->_correctValue = random_int(1e10, 1e11 - 1);
return (int)$this->userData->mfa === $this->userData->_correctValue;
public function verify()
if (!$this->verifyUsername())
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid username');
if (!$this->verifyPassword())
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid password');
if (!$this->verifyMFA())
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid MFA token value');
return true;
From analysing the source code, we can gather the following information:
MFA: Vulnerable to PHP object injection (unserialize() vulnerability)
The trick here is to initialize the mfa attribute as a reference to the _correctValue attribute (using the ampersand operator &). This will allow us to bypass the MFA check, which checks mfa against a randomly-generated _correctValue: